Configuration flagCFGEnableCargoBooking must be enabled. You must have the Multiple Cargo BookingModule Right selected, under Cargo in Chartering.
The Cargo Booking form enables you to match a Cargo Booking with a Cargo COA contract.
To open it, do one of the following:
On the Chartering menu, under Cargo, click Multiple Cargo Booking.
On the Calculation tab of the Laytime Calculation or Booking-Based Laytime Calculation form, if a booking number has been assigned to a cargo, you can right-click its itinerary line and then click View Booking Details.
Enabling Cargo Booking also adds:
An Extra Freight Term: Lumpsum per booking (code LB). When included on multiple Cargoes that are part of the same booking, it only applies to the Cargo with the lowest ID in that booking to which it has been added for both P&L and Freight Invoice. If that Cargo is removed from the booking, the Extra Freight Term will be applied to the new lowest ID in the booking. The Extra Freight Term will remain visible on any contracts to which it is added, but it will only be invoiced once per booking and will only appear on the Voyage P&L once per booking.
A Booking No. field to nonincremental Freight Invoices; after a Counterparty is selected, you can select one booking of that Counterparty on the voyage, so that only those Cargoes are included on the invoice.
Click buttons on the toolbar to retrieve, save, or create records.
The Ports grid displays the port ETAs and ETDs from the port calls and voyages that are tied to the booking. These fields will only populate when there is a voyage, and they cannot be edited. Only ports that appear on the Cargoes grid will appear here, so transshipment ports will not be displayed.
The Vessels grid offers a quick overview of all of the vessels involved in a particular booking, their current Vetting Status, and quick reference information that enable you to have efficient conversations about operating voyages with your counterparties.
You can manage the vetting Task for a listed vessel by clicking its Create Task or Edit Task link.
Adding Cargoes to a Booking
To add Cargoes to a booking, do any of the following:
Add new rows to the Cargo Booking grid and enter relevant Cargo details.
On the Cargo List, select one or more Cargoes and then click one of the following at the top of the list:
Add to Booking: Search for and select an existing booking.
Create Booking: Create a new booking.
Note: You must have Read and Write access to Cargoes in the Cargo List.
If there are multiple load or discharge ports in a contract, Load Port, Load Berth, Disc Port, and Disc Berth appear highlighted in pink and cannot be changed.
Adds an option to Keep Booking No. when copying a Cargo or VC In.
Adds a Booking No. field to nonincremental Freight Invoices; after a Counterparty is selected, you can select one booking of that Counterparty on the voyage, so that only those Cargoes are included on the invoice.
Determines whether the No. of Cargoes in Booking variable is available on the Pricing Rule form:
N: Not available
Y: Available
Price Booking Cargoes on Scheduling CFGPriceBookingCargoesOnScheduling
N (default) = Prior to scheduling, all cargoes that are part of a Multiple Cargo Booking and priced using the Use Booking Qty on Scale Table check box are priced according to the quantity of all cargoes in the booking.
Y = Such cargoes will have a price of 0 until they are scheduled on an Estimate or voyage. After scheduling, all cargoes priced using the Use Booking Qty on Scale Table check box, regardless of the setting of this flag, are priced using the same quantity as all cargoes in the same booking that are scheduled on the same Estimate or voyage.
Enable Nomination Status CFGEnableNominationStatus
When enabled, a Nom. Status field is added to the Cargo Booking and VC In Booking forms. Values include Inquiry, Tentative, and Firm.
Product Code Link CFGProductCodeLink
When set, the Product Code field in the Cargo Booking, VC In Booking, and Tank Information forms becomes a hyperlink that links the user to the URL provided. Within the URL, {ProductCode} is used to pass in the product code to the URL, for example:{ProductCode}
Enable Ports Grid in Booking CFGEnablePortsGridInBooking
When enabled, a grid is added to the Booking form to display the port ETAs and ETDs from the port calls and voyages that are tied to the Booking. These fields will only populate when there is a voyage and they cannot be edited. Only ports that appear in the Cargo grid will appear here, so transshipment ports will not be displayed.
When enabled, adds new fields to the Voyage Itinerary and the Booking form to capture Transshipment Vessels being utilized by the entity carrying a cargo without capturing the Transshipment Voyages in full. This serves as a lighter-weight Transshipment-tracking mechanism than the features enabled by CFGEnableTransshipment.
Create Booking from Voyage CFGCreateBookingFromVoyage
When enabled, the "Create New Voyage" form has a new option under "Create From:" for "Voyage Booking". When selected, upon saving the voyage, a new Booking will be created and linked to the voyage, with its properties initialized basis the entered voyage data. Both CFGEnableCargoBooking and CFGEnableVCInBooking must be enabled for this feature.
Group Commingled Cargo Port Activities CFGGroupCommingledCargoPortActivities
When this flag is enabled, Port Activities with the Cargo and/or Berth check box selected on the Port Activities form will be grouped into one line for multiple cargoes in the same commingle group. Requires CFGDuplicateActivitiesForCargoesAndBerths to be enabled in order to take effect.
On the Cargo/VC In Itinerary/Options tab and Cargo/VC In Booking form, adds a Supplier/Rcvr column where you can specify the supplier or receiver for each cargo handling. This information can be used to create supplier and receiver Laytime Calculations.
Charterer View CFGChartererView
Uses the Charterer's view instead of the standard Cargo form. When enabled:
When a voyage is scheduled using Cargo as the source, the Opr Type on the Create New Voyage form defaults according to the Counterparty on the Cargo contract. If the Counterparty is an Owner, the Opr Type is SPOT, otherwise it is TCOV or OVOV depending on the Ownership field on the vessel. Opr Type can be changed, and if the selected type is incompatible with the Cargo counterparty, the Counterparty column in the Voyage Manager Cargoes grid is cleared.
All noncoload Cargoes in a voyage synchronize to have the same CP Date and CP Terms Details form.
A Supplier/Rcvr column appears on the Cargo Booking and VC In Booking forms.
Enable Cargo Delivered CFGEnableCargoDelivered
Enables you to save Cargoes, VC Ins, or bookings with only a load or discharge port.